Last year, when we bought our property we were delighted to find two established plum trees in our garden.
We patiently waited for them to ripen and we did so enjoy the fruit. We ate them fresh, stewed, and made into jam and plum sauce. We even froze some of the stewed plums but they have long since been consumed. We hope the plum sauce and jam last us until the next lot of fruit is ready for the same treatment.
The plum blossoms are out so we look forward to further developments:-

We found a really easy recipe for plum sauce in the New Zealand Garden magazine -
Digby Law's Plum Sauce
3 kg plums
2 onions
3 cloves garlic
1.5 kg sugar
6 cups malt vinegar
2 tablespoons salt
1 tspn cayenne papper
2 tspns each ground clovers, ground ginger and black pepper
Place all ingredients in a large pot and simmer slowly, uncovered, until onions are soft.
Strain out plum stones and discard.
Blend sauce in a food processor until smooth.
Return to the pot, bring back to the boil, pour into clean glass bottles/jars and seal.
Mature for at least a month to allow flavours to fully develop.
Very, very nice.
Ooooo Deeelish, great recipe!
I remember Linda's plum tart quite well. I think I'd be requesting quite a few of those!
Yes, Cherie, it is a great recipe and a nice change from tomato sauce.
Ah, Lisa, we often talk about that plum tart and how much it was appreciated. Nice that you still remember it. I found another good recipe this year with pastry base, plum filling and then topped with a coconut/meringue crust - that would be nice to try for you too.
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