Sunday, April 03, 2011

After our visit from Ricky, James and Amba came to stay.

I realised after they left that I had not taken any photos of them together.

The next best thing I could come up with was a photo of Amba with Linda.

How is this for a Saturday morning? Lying in bed with the two best cats in the world by your side, laptop at your feet and Saturday newspaper for a leisurely read.

I thought it was lovely that Amba felt comfortable enough to lie on the bed next to Linda and chatter away to her like they had been friends for years.

It was a lovely visit and we look forward to more of the same in time to come.


Cherie said...

Looks like perfect, beautiful, contentment ;~)

Lisa White said...

I'm a little jealous of that!

crazyquilter said...

Oh, that is nice.