My Kodak camera has served me well for five years or more but in this day of ever developing technology I felt it was time for an upgrade.
The Nikon S3100 is half the thickness and has a much larger preview screen, so those two elements alone make it well worthwhile.
I decided to go for a wander in our garden and take some photos of what's in bloom.
This calibrachoa continues to give us pleasure year after year and this year has some exceptional flowers, in quantity and colour.

This one was only planted this year and has an amazing amount of buds ready to bloom into scarlet red flowers.

A great addition as they will be happy to come back year after year.

Linda's efforts have paid off. She planted them both with pansies and lobelias and they are looking so good and we hope they will last for some time to come.

Planted last year, this plant has taken on new strength this year and rewarded us with an abundance of blooms.
We have planted more of these little wonders in another part of the garden and hope they do as well as these ones.
I am very happy with the camera, never mind that I would not have a clue how to use the software that came with it. I managed to work my way around that, fortunately.
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