Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Looking forward, looking back

Sometime back, when I was still living in Australia, I participated in a needle book round robin.

I created the block in autumn colours and look what came back to me!

I especially love the silk ribbon roses on the top right side of the block and if you look carefully you can see a spider's web complete with spider below.

Looking forward, with our latest needle book round robin, my friend from Sydney, Cherie, has created an autumn shade block which I just love.  You may like to take a peek and see this 'naked block' for yourself, and while you are there, have a look around all the other things Cherie is interested in.

Cherie has posted this block to the next person on the list today so the fun is starting to happen.


Cherie said...

Why Thank You Peggy for the lovely mention. Am currently itching for the first RR block to arrive ;~)

tree said...

Fantastic! I would sooo love to learn this someday. Beautiful work.

crazyquilter said...

Thank you, Lisa, these really are lovely projects - relatively small so they don't take forever to complete.