Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Life can be a knockout, sometimes

Hershey caught a mouse today, but then he dropped it and it ran away and hid.

At first he was upset but then what's a cat to do but take a nap.

I wonder if he is dreaming of the possibilities of more mice in the big world out there?


Tired Teacher said...

Mousing is hard work, so a nap is a necessity. I hope the frightened mouse was not released in the house.

Clare M said...

Lol. A cat must not strain oneself too much you know. After all, we are royalty. Hehehe

Clare M said...

Lol. A cat must not strain oneself too much you know. After all, we are royalty. Hehehe

margaret said...

looks so content, hope the mouse escaped outside and is not in the house!