Friday, August 22, 2014

A nice op shop find

We have had hens at our place for over eighteen months and in that time have received a bounty of over 1800 eggs - not bad for three hens.

Originally we had four hens but just before Christmas one of them, Miss Penny, went to the big hen house in the sky.

The three that are left have continued to be faithful egg layers and we have been enjoying the fruit of their labours.

We have often said it would be nice to have a special bowl on the kitchen bench especially for the eggs.

It has taken a while, but last week we found this one in an op shop for NZ$3.00.

From the markings on the side and bottom I thought it would be nice to find a little more out about the bowl.

The inscription on the side, Le Petite DeJeuner, appears to translate as small kitchen bowl.

I looked up the inscription on the base of the place and Le Comptoir De Famille France have a comprehensive range of household wares.  A similar bowl to the one I bought sells for Euro 13.90 which equates to approximately NZ$22.00, so I suddenly felt quite pleased with my little NZ$3.00 purchase.


margaret said...

your hens are certainly good layers. We are in a city but quite a few neighbours have chickens, love to hear them clucking but 3 doors down they have added a cockerel and the neighbours are complaining about it crowing, personally it does not bother me but it does seem to crow 24/7. We also have a fox so not sure how long they will last as they roam about the garden and have even wandered into the street once or twice.

Nancy said...

What a darling bowl for the eggs. It's fun to find treasures at the Op Shop.

FredaB said...

I have two egg cups from the same company with the same design at our Florida home.

I could use some of those fresh eggs to fill the cups.


Vicki said...

Very lovely indeed!

Romes said...

I guess you won't need to remind a.Linda to "get eggs" at the shop any time soon. sounds as though you have more than enough!!

Shay said...

Crazy bargain and perfect for storing eggs, especially since Le Petit Dejeuner alludes to breakfast.

Taryn said...

I have the same bowl - my mother bought it about ten years ago from a gift shop for me. I keep my meds in it! I think it is modelled on the bowls that the french drink their morning hot chocolate/coffee from, but I could be well mistaken.