Friday, December 09, 2022

Big Yellow Ball in the Sky

The view from my bedroom window this morning.

Last time we were in Haywards Heath it was late summer and the trees were covered in green leaves.

This was about 8am and the temperature was minus 3 degrees, but at least the sun was shining.

The first few days I was in England there was very little sunshine so even if it was cold it was nice to see that big yellow ball in the sky.

We went out to the local shops at about 1pm and there was still frost on the front lawn of Richard and Hannah’s property.

Top temperature for the day was 3 degrees.

At about 4pm we went for a walk around the housing estate where Rick and Hannah live and there was still frost lurking along the pathways.

Temperature then was 0 degrees so I guess we are in for another cold night.

So pleased we don’t have to going out tonight and thankful to have a lovely warm home to be staying in.

24 hours later - no yellow ball in the sky - 8.30am minus 2 with a forecast top temperature of 5 and more of the same for at least another week.

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