Saturday, February 02, 2013


Anticipation can play such a big part in our lives.

This past winter we planted this flatto peach tree with fruit that has lovely white flesh and is an unusual doughnut shape.

For our first season we have six peaches we are eagerly anticipating eating.

We were also waiting in anticipation of the blooms on this lily plant.

It needed a bit of nourishing with water.

What a beauty to behold.

Linda planted a whole lot of marigold plants for us a few weeks back and we have been anticipating them coming into flower.

In just the last few days this has been happening.

On the other side of anticipation, we had been expecting a call about our brother-in-law, Bryan, and sadly it came today.

He passed away in the early hours of this morning.

Thank you, Bryan, for making our sister, Barbara, so happy in the short time that you were together.


Cherie said...

A beautiful post Peggy. So very sad to hear Brian has gone. Please give Barbara a huge, enveloping cuddle from me.
That old saying "... better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" pops into my head as I think, despite the sadness, how wonderful it's been that Barbara & Brian found each other.

crazyquilter said...

Thank you, Cherie, very aptly put. I appreciate your comments.

Nancy said...

My deepest sympathy to Barbara and the rest of your family.