Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Child psychology?

If Linda and I want a treat we can think of nothing better than morning coffee at our local favourite cafe - Piccolos.

Some people like to do a little bit of housekeeping each day but we like to get it all done in one hit if we can.

Tuesday is our day for this task and sometimes we drag the chain a bit so recently we have been promising ourselves that if we get the housework done by, say, 10am, we will take ourselves to Piccolos for morning coffee.

It really does work for us.  Not bad for a couple of 'girls' in their 60's to still be impacted by child psychology.


Nancy said...

Nothing better than sharing a treat with your sister.

The coffee looks tasty!

Marissa said...

10 am no way..HOW? Mine is done by 12 noon..but that doesn't include mopping....sound like a good deal!